
All Poetry removed my poem "Harvard/MIT/UPenn Freedom of Speech: Gas the Jews" from their platform

New message from kevin Inbox Unsubscribe Thu, Dec 28, 11:49 PM (12 hours ago) to me Suryaraju Mattimalla, you got a new instant message! kevin - Hi!  Sorry, I had to remove your poem "Gas the Jews" because hate speech is not allowed on this site.  Please keep your views like this to yourself and do not share them. Here's a copy for your records: Harvard/MIT/UPenn Freedom of Speech: Gas the Jews When the voice for gassing Jews is at its highest peak Our knowledge centers stood for the gas. When “free Palestine” voices gas the Jews Our liberals stood for the gas. When "the Holocaust happened” Our Red Cross stood for the Holocaust. When “October 7” happened" Our UNO stood for the elimination of the Jewish state. When calls to stone the Jews to death States stood to stone to death Jews When Palestinians kill Queers Western Queers stood for Palestinians. When Islamists kill queers, non-faith holders, nudes, feminists, l...

Anti-Semitism at All Poetry

Anti-Semitism at All Poetry When I was writing against anti-Semitism in Western spaces, All Poetry removed my work, "Havard/MIT/UPenn Freedom of Speech: Gas the Jews," from their platform. Another October 7 attack on my work on the Jewish community, but a different method is called "censorship," or being blocked, banned, or removed from the public spheres. N.B: -----------------------------------    --------------------------- Go vegan!...Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan   -------------------------------- Have you ever sat in a railcar? That have a total length of 31 feet 6 inches (9.6 meters) and interior space for deportees of 26 feet 2 inches (8 meters). That total height is 14 feet (4.3 meters) from the bottom of the wheel to the highest point of the car; interior space for deportees (ceiling curves down from the middle): 7 feet (4 inches) (2.2 meters) at the center; 7 feet (2.1 meters) at the sides. That total...