Campaign Against Islamization


Dear Truth Speakers of the World,

We should fight against the Islamization of our progressive, democratic, egalitarian, knowledge-based societies, freedom cultures, ideologies, and ways of life by Islamists. Islamists are invading our progressive societies in the name of asylum, refugees, war, etc., reaching our safe societies, and destroying our lives. Imagine that Salman Rushdie was stabbed by an educated Iranian Islamist in the heart of the United States of America. Taslima Nasrina and Ibn Warraq are hiding in Europe and Canada. Imagine child Islamic terrorists killing our history teacher in France. Imagine everyday Islamic terrorism in our lands. Who is doing these terrorist acts? These are asylum-seeking or refugee Muslims from the Middle East, North Africa, or African continents. I lost my upper teeth, and I can't raise my left shoulder. Why? My own Muslim students tried to kill me for teaching LGBTQ rights in Ethiopia. Now Muslims and their women have made a false rape case against me for requesting they not smoke in the common kitchen in the German asylum camp. Just imagine that, for requesting that they follow the law of the land and the rules and regulations of the house, they made a false complaint against me to send me to prison. Just imagine if we criticize their evil religion. How many lives should we lose for their sake? German asylum-camp migrants are strongly supporting Muslims and their ways of violence and crime. It is a European or Western phenomenon where pro-Muslim women are supporting these Islamic extremists. Finally, we are losing our lives. Our progressive philosophers, intellectuals, scholars, writers, artists, and LGBTQ communities should feel secure, but unfortunately, LGBTQ communities and truth speakers are losing lives. Most of the crimes are committed by Muslims in Germany or Europe. Women are not safe in Europe. Underage girls are not safe in Germany or Europe. LGBTQ communities are not safe in Europe with the rise of tens of millions of Muslims. I lost my upper teeth and left-hand shoulder joint for teaching LGBTQ rights. Muslims strongly believe in and practice Sharia and the Quran. They can’t be normal human beings. Their mind is filled with hatred, intolerance, and lies. We can’t tolerate the Islamization of the globe. Their population is more than 3 billion out of 9 billion.



They have assassinated my character by making this false rape or sexual molestation complaint against me. Even my enemies in India or Ethiopia never made this kind of unethical case to escape from their systematic or open corruption in India and the sexual exploitation of female students in Ethiopia. Needless to say, but saying about my character, I never touch any women, girls, or even men except wishing them “Namaste". This is not my way of life—touching and hugging anyone. It is not my Indian culture to touch anyone except family members. We don't physically touch outsiders, particularly women and young girls. We greet people with my Indian greeting, "Namaste". It is a secular greeting rather than an Islamic religious greeting. Now they have assassinated my character. I am not only an asylum seeker here but also a well-known author of the globally acclaimed COMPATIBILITY OF THE DEATH PENALTY WITH THE PURPOSE OF CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT IN ETHIOPIA, which has been quoted by the United Nations partner Organizations (UNO), the Advocates for Human Rights, USA, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, France, and the University of Central Arkansas, USA. My works are teaching material in the Department of Political Science at the University of Central Arkansas and other Western and European Universities ( . The Advocates for Human Rights and World Coalition Against the Death Penalty published Ethiopia’s Compliance with the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Suggested List of Issues Relating to the Death Penalty Submitted by The Advocates for Human Rights, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status with ECOSOC since 1996, and The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, 75th Session of the Committee Against Torture, 31 October to 25 November 2022 Submitted June 13, 2022. (Page number 4 and reference number footnote 20  ). Till now, any UNO Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment has never quoted any scholar's name in its Conventions, but for the first time, they quoted my name (I attached a PDF file). I have been a scholarly writer since 2010. One of my articles has been quoted by the prestigious media outlet "The Tribune" in their editorial work (Sunday, March 27, 2011 ). Many Western/Eastern scholars, academic institutions, European magazines, UNO bodies, etc. are quoting my works and Twitter posts seriously. In this kind of background, false sexual molestation or rape cases ruin my reputation and assassinate my status, self,  dignity, character and reputation as an anti-corruption activist, whistleblower activist, anti-pedophilic activist, scholar, writer, poet (one of my poems has been trending for quite sometimes in the past in the USA ), human rights scholar, or LGBTQ activist (one of my twitter posts has been quoted by European magazine ). My work on the death penalty has been preserved at every Western or European university. It is one of the most remarkable theoretical works on the death penalty. It is available even at the University of Regensburg. The autobiography "Why I Am Not Indian" and my other Ph.D. work "Intellectual Histories" are now going to be published by an African-renowned publication house. Three of my research papers are under peer review at the Age of Human Rights Journal, which carried out my globally acclaimed work in 2018. You can see thousands of writings and posts against corruption, sexual exploitation, LGBTQ rights, whistleblowers, human rights issues, etc. on my four blogs, which are viewed from across the globe, particularly from western societies. I have been fighting against the systematic corruption of my own untouchable caste professors and research scholars in Indian academia for a long time. I always maintain my individuality, independence, and highest moral standard. In this situation, I am victimized by economically motivated asylum seekers without any education. Germany should create a space where intellectuals and scholars can live with respect, dignity, and safety.

I have been traumatized and disturbed since yesterday. I am traumatized, harassed, and tortured by this false complaint to the police. The culprit is openly supported by a fellow Kurdish woman and my neighbor, without any shame for oppressing the truth. My neighbor informed the police that he threatened me in the evening because she called him to save her from my rape, so he threatened me to save her from my rape. There were a few Kurdish Muslim women in the kitchen with her while I was preparing my dinner. They were laughing when she was using abusive language and showing her middle finger and footwear to beat me. Hence, I would like to request that you check the CC cameras and take the necessary action. Making a false rape complaint shows how much people degrade their ethical stamina to escape from their lies and crimes. I always carry high standards of ethical values, but unfortunately, moral law is not working with this kind of person and their supporters. No rapist or sexual molester should escape from their heinous crimes. At the same time, lies should not ruin the status or character of a human being. Her false complaint and my neighbor's physical attack ontologically wounded me. Philosopher Cornel West says blacks are ontologically wounded across Western/European societies. Indeed, I am ontologically wounded by the loss of my second son, Stanford, untouchability, racism, violence, corruption, politically correct ideologies, false complaints, lies, and now as a victim of a false rape complaint. I stopped serious reading after complaint, and I am not getting sleep. She and my neighbor disturbed my knowledge production. You can’t create a condition where progressive intellectuals, scholars, and truth-speaking activists become victims of corrupt people. I walked more than 1300 kilometers to free Julian Assange because he spoke the truth ( . Now I am another Julian Assange in Germany. I would be happy if you checked the CC cameras to see the truth so that I can press charges against them so that nobody assassinates other characters and intellectuals, scholars, and truth speakers will be safe in your land.

Let me conclude my truth-seeking letter by philosophers John Rawls and Gandhi with this quotation:

Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, just as truth is the first virtue of systems of thought. John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, p. 3.

“Truth Alone, Triumph”

Thank you,

Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia"

Author: Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship.



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